Software Developed & Delivered
Integration of Weapons, Sensors and Electronic Systems into TACTICOS
Production of TACTICOS operational functions
- Fighter Direction (FDIR)
- Force Anti Air Warfare (FAAW)
- Electronic Warfare Coordination (EWC)
- Antisubmarine Warfare (ASW) – Navigation, Engagement, Threat, Evaluation and Support

Training & On-site support
Training to PT LEN employees for the development of software Interface Products for Tacticos including hands-on experience for the PKR program of the Indonesian Navy
Various Software Developments

End User: Hellenic Navy
Activities: Integration of WESCAM’s MX-15Di EO/IR Sensor and Text Messaging and Mission Planning Capabilities with the Maritime Mission Integration and Management System (M2IMS) for the Hellenic Navy P-3 B Orion Program

End User: Hellenic Navy
Activities: Software In-Service Support Requirements for the HN

End User: Hellenic Navy
Activities: Development, Production and Integration of Software for the TACTICOS Combat Management Training System

End User: German Navy
Activities: TACTICOS Adaptation to Data Link 16

End User: Hellenic AirForce
Activities: Integration of Coastal Radars Greece into NADGE